Parent Teacher Organization

A parent volunteer stands behind a table set up at an event. The tablecloth reads "Atherton Hough Elementary School." On top of the table are some papers and fundraising signs. Congratulations! As a parent of an Atherton Hough student, you are already a member of our PTO! Please consider attending a PTO meeting and/or talking with one of our board members to learn more about our school and how you can help and get involved. We meet monthly to discuss school activities and ways in which to raise funds to support and enrich our educational programs. Our PTO members are involved in committees to enhance our school through fundraisers including family movie nights, book fairs, school logo clothing sales, school photos, and the fifth grade yearbook. They also purchase homework folders, agenda books, laminating film, and much more for our students!

The PTO also reminds you that it is the volunteers who make our events so successful.

We welcome suggestions and comments regarding any of our school and PTO-sponsored programs.

Connect with the Atherton Hough PTO on Facebook » 

PTO Meetings
Meetings are held in our library unless otherwise posted. All meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments, prizes, AND babysitting available!!

Quincy Citywide Parents' Council (Citywide PTO)

Quincy Special Education Parent Advisory Council (Quincy SEPAC)